more sentimental
- adj.多愁善感的;(失之过度或不恰当地)伤感的,充满柔情的;情感的(而非理性的)
- sentimental的比较级

Your practical thinking helps others who are more sentimental , and you 're often asked for your opinion .
While loving him , I felt I became more sentimental as he was .
The esthetic pureness and the solitary loneliness of it caused me to be even more sentimental .
So what if I 'm more sentimental ?
Strictly speaking , in product design , human subjects at more sentimental , more to the human mind , to show concern for humanity , it is the first original human dynamics .
Of course , my generation was much more sentimental than today 's youth but whether this was great poetry , it communicated in simple language a message , and made a lasting impression on a small boy .
Humans , more sentimental than birds , trees or litter bearers , don 't like to see themselves as coming from the same child-rearing traditions , but we face many of the same pressures .
When it comes to actually disposing of their belongings , men appeared to be the more sentimental sex , with 73 per cent admitting they felt remorse having had thrown away cherished possessions , compared to 31 per cent of women who said they had no regrets about doing so , reveals the survey by Boxman .
I found myself becoming more and more sentimental , but I always suppress my emotions .
PISCES ( Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 ) Your specialty , Pisces , is emotions , maybe even more so than sentimental Cancer .